Concealed By Darkness will be a four-book series of International Adventure and Political Suspense.

Billionaire developer Evan Harper has succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams — but at the expense of his own. Outside of his business, there’s a lot he’s curious about, and while he has the money to explore those curiosities, he lacks the time.
Marine researcher Kiera Logan is following in her late father’s footsteps and managing a government organization developing advanced underwater technology. However, it always seems to fail, and soon Logan is out of a job.
Noah Dravens is the Vice President of the United States and, despite his pleasant demeanor, his grip upon the levers of power is absolute—and he wants more.
Alek Zukovic is his personal assassin. He never misses.
Concealed By Darkness follows these individuals in a story of international adventure as they brush up against each other and destiny. In Book One, Unnatural Selection, Evan Harper sets new worlds into motion by simply asking of the old one: why was a disgraced scientist buried in the dark depths of Loch Ness in 1899?
In Concealed By Darkness, “Why?” is the most dangerous question a person could ask.

Edwards Deep is the deepest part of Loch Ness, but it’s not depicted on any chart. A few boaters claim they found it with their sonar, but none can agree on its location. Many locals concede that, at over 800 feet down, Edwards Deep is the logical hiding place of the elusive Loch Ness Monster.
It is also where the metal casket containing the remains of a disgraced scientist, Dr. Marcus Samuels, was likely sunk over one hundred years ago.
Marine scientist Kiera Logan and her crew aboard the R/V Zydeco are on a clandestine hunt for the latter, believing that Samuels’ unusual burial in the deep and dark waters of Loch Ness was not the final chapter of the eccentric Egyptologist’s life. However, with prying eyes all around, Logan must pretend they are on a voyage of scientific discovery regarding a mythological beast.
They are joined by a cryptozoologist who is a Nessie expert and familiar with stories of her deep underwater lair, but he soon becomes more evasive and misleading as their search progresses.
Also aboard is a newly arrived congressman on a quest to bring down a corrupt vice president. He believes Logan can help him, but the evidence she once had has disappeared. Can they locate it before an assassin’s bullet finds him?
Edwards Deep is the second novel in the Concealed by Darkness series. A simple search for a mythical animal reveals Death waiting at every turn, patient and persistent, both on the surface of Loch Ness and deep beneath it.
Book III – The Ring of Moses: tentative publication in 2027
Book IV – The Kings Books: tentative publication in 2029

Richard Corley is a veteran airline captain based in the upper Midwest. A graduate of Williams College, he worked in the New York City film industry as well as in software development in Silicon Valley. He now lives in western Pennsylvania with his wife, daughter, and a pair of fiendish felines. Unnatural Selection is his first novel.
If you have any comments or questions, please contact me directly at